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澳博app使用公司的信用额度向客户预付代理费用时,将向银行收取利息. The lawyer may pass these costs along to the client, so long as the client has been fully informed in advance of these charges, the client has agreed to pay them, the costs are reasonable, 澳博app对客户产生的利息费用进行单独核算. 最后, the costs of the line of credit must be directly attributable to the representation of that client; in other words, 澳博app不得将维持信用额度的成本转嫁给个人客户,以资助公司的一般管理费用.


  • 规则1.5(费用)
  • 规则1.8 (d) (Conflict of Interest: Specific 规则)


In a personal injury case, costs are incurred for copying, for ordering deposition transcripts, 诉讼费, 对于专家证人, and for similar disbursements related to the prosecution of the case. 代表一方当事人的公司正在考虑使用公司的信用额度来支付这些费用, but it will have to pay the bank interest for doing so. 该公司已询问是否可以在案件结束时将所产生的利息费用转给客户.


对于这一拟议的安排,有两种选择:要么客户必须支付这些费用,要么公司必须承担这些额外费用, likely passing them on to all clients through increases in fees. If the client must pay these expenses, the client may have to borrow funds to do so, in which case the client would pay interest charges directly. 规则1.8(d) allows lawyers to advance the costs of litigation to clients, but they are not required to do so. Thus, neither of these alternatives is required by the 规则.

如果澳博app使用他或她的信用额度来经营澳博app事务所或资助正常的运营费用, the lawyer cannot pass along the interest incurred to do so to individual clients. 然而, 《澳博app》明确允许要求委托人支付起诉案件所需的费用. 注释[2]to D.C. 规则1.第5条规定澳博app可以要求客户支付包括申请费在内的费用, 复制成本, 还有成绩单费用. D.C. 规则1.5(b) provides that when a lawyer has not regularly represented a client, these expenses “shall be communicated to the client, 以书面形式, before or within a reasonable time after commencing the representation.通过列出澳博app或其澳博app事务所要求客户支付的费用, 澳博app让客户清楚地了解澳博app的费用,并允许在澳博app-客户关系开始时讨论这些条款.

《澳博app》和《澳博app下载网》均未具体提及利息费用报销. 这里不涉及从客户那里寻求这些费用报销的一些门槛问题. 例如, 询盘方已明确指出,公司将不会从预付费用中获利. 而, 它只会寻求收回银行向公司收取的利息成本,因为银行使用公司的信贷额度来支付这些成本.

This inquiry raises competing interests. 一方面,一方面, 允许澳博app将这些费用的持有成本转嫁给个别客户,可以确保公司的其他客户不会通过增加的费用来支付这些费用. 另一方面, since many firms and lawyers maintain lines of credit to support their practices, 澳博app的一些客户间接承担某些管理费用是不合适的,这些费用应该由澳博app承担或在所有澳博app的客户中公平分摊.

因为澳博app只能向客户收取与该客户的案件直接相关的利息, 澳博app必须详细记录任何预付款的金额,以及贷款人收取的利息和可归属于客户成本的利息. Although not required by the 规则, 澳博app可能希望维持一项信用额度,以垫付此类费用,该信用额度与澳博app为支付间接费用而经常提取的信用额度是分开的.

除了, any interest charged to the client must be reasonable, 而澳博app“将有责任确定这些指控的合理性”. 此外, 显然,澳博app将因澳博app对信贷额度的低效或轻率的财务管理而产生的任何滞纳金或账户维护费用转嫁给客户是不恰当的.

最后, 任何与客户的费用协议,包括利息费用,应在代理开始时签订. 意见310, 委员会审查了如果委托人不及时支付澳博app费,澳博app是否可以对澳博app费收取利息的问题. 看到 D.C. 道德Op. 310 (2002). 委员会注意到,支付利息只对直接受影响的客户收费,从而使澳博app得以避免将迟交费用的额外费用分摊给他或她的所有客户所造成的“费用上涨压力”. 在该意见中, 委员会指出,为了包括这些费用而改变正在进行的代理的费用协议必须受到“严格审查”,因为澳博app有可能“越权”. Id. (引用 追逐v. 吉尔伯特, 499 A.2d 1203, 1209 (D.C. (“在特定情况下,什么可能构成越权,当然取决于客户的资源和复杂程度等因素, 存在或不存在诸如有利的诉讼时间表等外部因素,如果客户不得不更换澳博app,这些因素将会丢失, 等等.......”). So, 只要有可能, the lawyer should specify at the outset of the representation that, 澳博app是否有必要动用信用额度来支付诉讼费用, the client is responsible for the applicable interest charges.

