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On December 19, 2015, the Office of 酒吧 Counsel became the 纪律大澳博app办公室. 我们从1973年开始担任澳博app. We have never been the attorney or general counsel for the D.C. 我们也从来没有代理过澳博app协会, but more than occasionally we have had lawyers 和 the public assume that was our role.[1]

Since we opened our doors, the office has been the prosecutorial arm of the D.C. 上诉法院的纪律制度. 我们和澳博app协会有什么关系? 我们是由D成立的.C. 上诉法院根据《澳博app》第11条建立了规范澳博app行为的纪律制度.C. 上诉法院澳博app事务规则.[2] The same set of 规则—from 规则 I through IX—was used to create the 酒吧. 我们与澳博app协会的关系是,澳博app协会理事会为专业责任委员会(BPR)的每个空缺提名澳博app。, 董事会批准了我们的预算, 澳博app会支付我们的账单.[3]

有这样的历史(不是澳博app澳博app,是独立的纪律检察官), 为什么要叫我们澳博app? 应理事会和业务流程重组的要求, 上诉法院将我们重新命名,以反映我们的实际身份——纪律顾问办公室. Now this does have a slightly harsh connotation 和 cuts against 42 years of tradition. 毕竟, we are members of the National Organization of 酒吧 Counsel, 在水门事件之后出现的. This was the period when attorney discipline was professionalized. 一些澳博app事务所作为总法律顾问代表他们的澳博app事务所,同时处理纪律问题. 然而, most disciplinary prosecutors have moved away from this relationship, 变得独立了, 和 have been rebr和ed either as disciplinary counsel or regulation counsel.[4]

If you have read this far, you may be saying, "who cares" or "what does this have to do with me?" Well, we are really the last profession that self-regulates. It is clear to me that self-regulation is ours to lose. 如果我们做得不好,其他玩家就会进来承担这个非常重要的责任.

纪律澳博app办公室的存在是为了保护公众免受澳博app违反《澳博app法》的不道德或不当行为的侵害.C. 职业行为准则. 我们非常认真地对待这一责任. 今天, 这个办公室调查和起诉的案件是我几年前加入办公室时我们无法承担的. 我们现在有资源和必要的资金来处理复杂的情况,例如长期以来被忽视的国际事务和冲突. 例如, 我们处理了上诉法院裁决导致重新审理移民案件和授予身份从而停止驱逐出境的移民问题.

自我规范和保护公众需要澳博app的合作,因为他们发现自己是被告. Truthful 和 c和id answers to our inquiries serve the public, 纪律制度, 和, 最终, 涉案澳博app. 而我们现在被任命为纪律顾问, we still have the resources 和 willingness to assist attorneys in improving their practice. A successful investigation often ends with the complainant underst和ing the resolution, maybe having a fee returned or the matter completed by the attorney in a successful manner, 和 the attorney having an appreciation of how to avoid such complaints in the future.

No one wants a letter from the newly named 纪律大澳博app办公室. 还记得, 澳博app执照是一种特权,并伴随着职业行为规则和规则十一所规定的义务. 如果我们想保持自我监管的职业,我们都需要认真对待我们的道德责任. The office welcomes the day we seek less discipline despite our new name. 请帮助我们努力.


[1]一次, in 1982, 我是“当天的澳博app”,当时一位市民打电话报名参加一个课程,学习如何制作各种鸡尾酒.
[2]你可以在D.C. 上诉法院规则.
[4] D.C. 澳博app协会的法律顾问办公室在道德规范等方面为澳博app提供保密帮助, 实践管理, 上瘾, 心理健康问题, 以及费用仲裁. The office is not a part of the 纪律大澳博app办公室.

Disciplinary Actions Taken by the 专业责任委员会


我是埃莉诺·奈斯. 酒吧没有. 287391. 2015年11月12日. The 专业责任委员会 recommends that the D.C. 上诉法院撤销Nace澳博app资格. 除了, 作为复职的条件, 审计委员会建议要求国家开发署向客户安全信托基金归还2美元,050(减去任何已偿还的款额), 按法定利率计息. 同时被委托代表客户 in matters relating to that client's earlier divorce, Nace未能提供合格的代理, 未能以技巧和细心为客户服务, failed to represent the client zealously 和 diligently, intentionally failed to seek the lawful objectives of the client, 未能合理迅速地采取行动, 未能合理告知客户, 未将预付费用存入信托或托管帐户,直至赚取并肆意挪用委托资金, failed to surrender papers 和 property after termination of the representation, 没有对纪律当局做出回应, 和 engaged in conduct that seriously interfered with the administration of justice. 规则1.1(a), 1.1(b), 1.3(a), 1.3(b)(1), 1.3(c), 1.4(a), 1.15(a), 1.15(e), 1.16(d), 8.1(b)和8.4(d).

我是丹尼尔。. 维姆霍夫. 酒吧没有. 420233. 2015年11月20日. The 专业责任委员会 recommends that the D.C. Court of Appeals suspend Wemhoff for 30 days 和 that the suspension be stayed, 并给予温霍夫一年的试用期, with the condition that he undergo an assessment by the assistant director of the D.C. 澳博app执业管理咨询服务(PMAS), or a designee; implement any recommendations that the PMAS may make; 和 sign a limited waiver permitting the PMAS to confirm his compliance with this condition, 以及他在评估过程中的配合. The disciplinary proceeding arose out of Wemhoff's representation in a civil action. 具体地说, 韦姆霍夫在未经授权或其他正当理由的情况下披露了他的当事人的机密和秘密, knowingly disobeyed an obligation under the rules of a tribunal, 和 engaged in conduct that seriously interfered with the administration of justice. 规则1.6(a), 3.4(c)和8.4(d).

Disciplinary Actions Taken by the 哥伦比亚特区上诉法院


在re Andre ?. 理发师. 酒吧没有. 466138. 2015年11月12日. D.C. 上诉法院取消了巴伯的澳博app资格. The matters arose out of 酒吧ber's involvement in a series of l和lord–tenant disputes, one in which he was the tenant 和 in the others he was counsel for the tenants. 巴伯对自己的房东提起了毫无意义的诉讼,并在代表三名租户时参与了广泛的不当行为, 他最终起诉了其中两个人,要求支付费用, 在他们与另一个房东的纠纷中. 酒吧ber engaged in frivolous 和 burdensome litigation tactics, 为澳博app费提出无法律依据的索赔, 违反法院命令, 没有配合澳博app的调查, 和 made false representations in both judicial 和 disciplinary proceedings. 规则1.3(b)(2), 1.4(a), 1.7(b)(4), 3.1, 3.2(a), 3.2(b), 3.3(a), 4.4, 7.1(a), 7.5(a), 7.5(d), 8.1(a), 8.4(c), 8.4(d),和8.4(g)和D.C. 酒吧R. XI,§2(b)(3).

在这里,我要感谢你. 酒吧没有. 463692. 2015年11月12日. D.C. 上诉法院接受了巴斯德基斯的协商纪律申诉,并将他停赛四个月, 缓期执行,在不受监督的情况下缓刑18个月. The violations stem from Basdekis's neglect of six clients that occurred from 2002 to 2006. 规则1.1(a), 1.1(b), 1.3(a), 1.3(b)(1), 1.4(a)和3.2(b).

桑迪·托马斯·贝拉米. 酒吧没有. 1011060. 2015年11月12日. D.C. 上诉法院接受了托马斯-贝拉米关于协商纪律的请愿,并将她禁赛一年. 托马斯-贝拉米在申请进入哥伦比亚特区澳博app协会的过程中违反了四条规定. 规则8.1(a), 8.1(b), 8.4(c)和8.4(d).


In re melodie v .旋律. 舒勒. 酒吧没有. 488686. 2015年11月5日. 在马里兰州的对等事项中,D.C. 上诉法院对舒勒进行了同样的互惠纪律处分,并将她停职30天,复职的条件是她证明她的残疾已经根据D.C. 酒吧R. 十一,第13(g)条. 在马里兰州, Shuler was found to have essentially ab和oned her representation of a client.

在我的脑海里. 史密斯. 酒吧没有. 392331. 2015年11月5日. 在马里兰州的对等事项中,D.C. Court of Appeals imposed identical reciprocal discipline 和 disbarred Smith. 在马里兰州, Smith was found to have failed to comply with recordkeeping requirements, allowing a nonlawyer assistant to intentionally misappropriate over $600,他拿走了属于史密斯客户的委托资金.

詹姆斯·c. 小踏上归途. 酒吧没有. 297762. 2015年11月5日. 在科罗拉多州的对等事项中,民主党.C. 上诉法院撤销了昂德希尔之前的缓刑,并将他停职三个月零一天, with a requirement that he demonstrate his fitness to practice law prior to reinstatement. 在科罗拉多州, 安德希尔被发现违反了他的缓刑,因为他多次就诉讼主题直接与代表方沟通.

非正式的警告 Issued by the Office of 酒吧 Counsel

在这里. 罗伯特·布莱. 酒吧没有. 424844. 2015年10月30日. 澳博app向布莱基发出了非正式警告. 同时被委托代表客户, 他是公司的法律顾问, 她试图提供证据证明她的前雇主涉嫌从事非法活动, Blakey assisted that client in knowingly revealing confidences 和 secrets, or using a confidence or secret to the disadvantage of a former client. 规则8.4(a).

约翰?. 戴维斯. 酒吧没有. 931600. 2015年10月21日. 澳博app向戴维斯发出了非正式的训诫. While representing clients in three independent matters, Davis violated multiple 职业行为准则. 具体地说, while representing a client in her efforts to resolve her unfavorable employment situation, 戴维斯未能在合理必要的程度上解释此事,以允许客户就代理作出明智的决定,也未能以书面形式提出收费的基础或费率. 规则1.4(b)和1.5(b). While representing a client in a District of Columbia Superior Court civil case, 戴维斯未能提供合格的代理, failed to represent the client with diligence 和 zeal, 和 engaged in conduct that seriously interfered with the administration of justice. 规则1.1(a), 1.1(b), 1.3(a), 1.3(c)和8.4(d). 从2009年到2015年初,断断续续地代表一名客户在多起案件中起诉其雇主, 戴维斯未能以勤勉和热情代表客户,也未能在合理必要的程度上解释此事,以允许客户就代理作出明智的决定. 规则1.3(a), 1.3(c)和1.4(b).

The 纪律大澳博app办公室 compiled the foregoing summaries of disciplinary actions. 纪律澳博app发出的非正式训诫,以及专业责任委员会发出的报告和建议,均载于www.dcattorneydiscipline.org. Most board recommendations as to discipline are not final until considered by the court. 法院的意见刊登在《澳博app下载网》上,1998年8月以来发布的判决也可在网上查阅. 如欲索取最近的批注意见,请浏览网页 www.dccourts.gov /互联网/ opinionlocator.jsf.
